Can kinesiology help with IBS? Yes and so much more
Kinesiology can help with IBS and a multitude of digestive issues. As more is being discovered about the gut-brain axis, gut-health is becoming more of a priority. Until fairly recently, doctors were taught that the gut is a ‘sterile environment’. It is now known that isn’t the case. That the gut, is in fact, teeming with bacteria, both ‘good’ and ‘bad’.
These different bacterias can affect our mood and even cause serious diseases, such as Alzheimer’s (particularly in the case of Klebsiella pneumoniae), due to the inflammation it causes, once it’s travelled into the brain via the blood stream. Unfortunately, swigging sugary ‘probiotic’ shots from the supermarket, is unlikely to make much difference to any gut issues you may have.
In kinesiology, there is plenty we can do to restore and support the gut - and any associated ailments. We muscle test to see how stress, certain foods or lack of particular nutrients may be affecting you, we balance the ileocecal valve (located between the small and large intestine) and find out what your gut (and whole body) needs.
This may be digestive enzymes, good quality pre or probiotics, a parasite cleanse, anti-fungal supplements to eliminate candida, weaning off certain foods for a short period of time, support for stress (or even identifying what the cause of the stress may be, so it can be addressed), alongside good lymph flow and other kinesiology techniques. The combination of these various elements can bring huge relief and empower the client to be able to manage any symptoms, if they ever return in the future.