What to expect
Kinesiology treatments are bespoke and tailored to you, to address your particular health issues. The first session includes a confidential case history with a discussion of your health concerns and goals (approx 30 mins).
The remainder of the treatment (approx 90 mins) takes place with the client fully clothed on a massage table, while the practitioner carries out a series of gentle muscle tests and rebalancing techniques. These include lymphatic massage, nutritional supplement testing, acupressure techniques, Bach flower remedies and emotional stress release methods. A treatment can also include food testing, EFT, grounding techniques and much more.
After a treatment, you may be tired, or full of beans, it depends on each person, but improvements can be expected after one session. It can however, take three to six sessions to heal long-standing issues. Some people like to come for maintenance treatments too.
It is best to wear comfortable clothes, or gym wear.
Please allow two hours for a first treatment.
Follow-up treatments are 90-minutes.
£90 per treatment (excludes any supplements that may be recommended).
Book an appointment on T: 07979 861577