What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a non-invasive treatment that can restore your health and vitality. It’s a holistic health practice that was developed in the 1960s by chiropractor, Dr George Goodheart and it combines nutrition, acupressure techniques, lymphatic stimulation, food testing, stress release methods and much more. Kinesiology considers you as a whole person–not just your symptoms in isolation. Through gentle muscle testing your body reveals imbalances, which have built up to become health issues. (Illness doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a gradual process over time).These root causes may be from multiple sources eg. stress, dietary deficiencies, poor detoxification etc and they can be rebalanced through kinesiology treatments to bring your mind and body back into balance and restore your health and vitality naturally.

How does it work?

Kinesiology works on several levels to get to the root of your symptoms. Our bodies have an innate wisdom (they can create another human being and heal bones and wounds, for example). Kinesiology gives your body a voice, leading the practitioner to the imbalances behind health issues. These may be emotional, physical, chemical, energetic or a combination, and they can be rebalanced through bespoke holistic treatments, giving your body the tools to heal itself. Symptoms are the body’s way of communicating that something is out of balance; they’re the ‘warning light on the dashboard’. However, our culture has become accustomed to putting sticking plasters over these warning lights or trying to turn them off. This can lead to further problems, if the root causes of symptoms and illness are not addressed. Kinesiology can reveal these roots so they can be treated safely.