How can kinesiology help you?
Kinesiology can ease, improve and resolve the following conditions, so you can enjoy good health and a vibrant life:
Headaches / Migraines / Poor concentration / Brain fog
Stress / Anxiety / Depression
Insomnia / Sleep issues
Excess weight / Food cravings
Menopausal symptoms / Hormonal imbalances / PMS / Period pains etc
Skin conditions: Acne / Psoriasis / Eczema / Hives
Allergies / Asthma / Auto-immune conditions
Fears / Phobias eg. flying or exams etc
Digestive issues: IBS / Constipation / Crohns / Acid Reflux etc
Injuries / unexplained aches and pains
Frequent colds and other infections
Chronic fatigue / Low energy / Fibromyalgia / M.E.
Behavioural issues and learning difficulties including ADHD, dyslexia and more.
Kinesiology is safe and effective and can work alongside conventional medical treatments. Book an appointment and discover how kinesiology can help you.