7 fascinating facts about kinesiology that will blow your mind
The human body has its own intelligence (it can create another human being within 9 months, heal wounds and fuse bones for example) - and it can heal itself from disease - if it has the tools. During a kinesiology treatment, the practitioner uses muscle testing and numerous techniques to give your body a voice and to find what tools your mind and body may require. It might be increased hydration, more minerals or vitamins, less sugar or salt, better lymph flow, stress release or other lifestyle tweaks. Here are 7 fascinating facts about kinesiology that will blow your mind:
Kinesiology can lower high blood pressure
Kinesiology techniques can help to stabilise blood pressure naturally. In addition, there are many herbs and nutrients we can test, which benefit the circulatory system, without side effects. Even those on medication can benefit from this treatment (provided you check with your GP that the supplements can be taken).
Swapping table salt for Himalayan or Celtic salt can also help lower high blood pressure, as the latter are packed with minerals and are not just bleached sodium like table salt.
2. Kinesiology can speed up injury recovery
If you’ve broken a bone, sprained an ankle, or have some other kind of injury, kinesiology can speed your recovery. After surgery for a broken elbow, I was having regular physio at the hospital. Many people can’t straighten their arm after this type of fracture, myself included. After weeks of physio, I had just 1 or 2 degrees of improvement each time. However, after one kinesiology treatment, the flexibility in my elbow joint jumped to 10 degrees of extension and 8 degrees of flexion. Combined with the brilliant medical treatment at the hospital, kinesiology aided my recovery hugely. I have also helped clients with fractured bones speed their recovery and gain confidence in taking a shower or bath, climbing stairs etc and getting back to normal life.
3. Kinesiology can help with phobias
Kinesiology isn’t just beneficial for the body, it can help our minds too. As weird as it sounds emotions can get stuck in our bodies, at a molecular level. Ever spent time with someone who just can’t let something go? Even if that something happened years or decades ago? Phobias are similar. It is a reaction to a situation in the present, based on an event or learned response from the past. Kinesiology can work with the subconscious to release and clear those old emotions and patterns in a safe and comfortable way.
4. Kinesiology incorporates Traditional Chinese Medicine practices
In kinesiology, we work with the Meridian system developed in TCM in conjunction with nutrition, lymphatic drainage, emotional release techniques, and much more for an MCPE approach (Mental, Chemical, Physical and Energetic). This is why kinesiology is so effective, as it takes a multi-pronged holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Two people with the same complaint eg lower back ache will each require a different treatment. One person’s problem may be purely structural, eg poor posture at their desk, leading to tight muscles. The other person may have poor posture and tight muscles too, but may also be deficient in certain nutrients and under stress at work. Balancing the energy system, addressing emotions and considering nutrition leads to different treatment plans and better outcomes than just manipulation alone.
5. Kinesiology is beneficial for children
Whether it’s behavioural issues, exam stress or everyday ailments kinesiology can be highly beneficial for children. Kinesiology can highlight particular nutrients that they may require for their brains and bodies to function well. Even with a good diet, we can all lack metabolically essential nutrients due to soil depletion, food processing and intensive farming methods.
According to government scientists, McCance and Widdowson, who measured the nutrient content of fresh foods last century. Carrots grown in 1936 had 92% more calcium, 88% more iron and 4 times more magnesium than those grown in 1987. We can only imagine how much worse it is now, with several more decades of intensive farming behind us. Many children lack sufficient Omega 3 oils and other essential nutrients in their diets, required for learning, focusing and maintaining calm.
6. Kinesiology can reduce menopausal symptoms
The endocrine system plays a large part in how good we feel (or not). This (hormonal) system can be affected by stress, too much blue light (which plays havoc with the pineal gland and sleep), too much sugar/alcohol, nutrient deficiencies, too little sunshine, even negative thoughts. During peri-menopause it’s important for the endocrine system to be fully supported, by considering nutrition, stress and more. Kinesiology can pick up sub-clinical issues and resolve them, so that the client can feel restored and ‘back to themselves’ again.
7. Skin conditions can be cleared with kinesiology
Another highly beneficial methodology in kinesiology is the skin lesion technique. This can be used to successfully treat hives, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, wounds, acne, shingles, and (even though it’s not a skin condition), alopecia and heal the skin (or scalp). Conventional medicine generally treats these conditions topically, while kinesiology goes ‘under the bonnet’ to find the root causes of the symptoms and addresses them there.